Tag: Errors

Unable to Open configSource File ‘connections.config’

When specifying the location of a configuration file for a .NET console application you may receive this error:

System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Unable to open configSource file 'connections.config'

The file was being referenced as follows in app.config:

<connectionStrings configSource="connectionStrings.config" />

I suspected that the configuration file was not being copied to the ouput debug/release folder and so could not be found when running the application. This post on BlueSam Blog shows that you can set how files are copied to the output directory of the project automatically.

By viewing the properties of a file in Visual Studio there is a property called Copy to Output Directory that can be used to copy the configuration file automatically:

This solved the problem and the configuration file was loaded!

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Using Themed CSS Files Requires a Header Control

When using ASP.NET themes and you specify the global theme in web.config you can run into problems when you want to create a page that does not use the theme. Read More »

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A Potentially Dangerous Request.Form Value Was Detected

ASP.NET automatically checks for HTML being sent by GET or POST requests as a security precaution and throws the following nasty error if it finds any: Read More »

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mysql.data Incorrect number of arguments for PROCEDURE

The following error occurred while using the MySQL Connector for ASP.NET:

mysql.data Incorrect number of arguments for PROCEDURE 'stored procedure name' expected 3 got 2

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Nesting ASP.NET User Controls

While trying to nest ASP.NET user controls inside other user controls you may experience the following error:

The page ‘[control 1].ascx’ cannot use the user control ‘[control 2]‘, because it is registered in web.config and lives in the same directory as the page.

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msxml3.dll error: The connection with the server was terminated abnormally

While using the Microsoft object Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP with Classic ASP we experienced some strange errors when sending an XML HTTP request. These are three different errors that were received when sending the request: Read More »

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