Tag: WordPress

WordPress Backup Plugin

The WordPress plugin ‘Wordpress Backup (by BTE)’ is no longer available on the WordPress website and the author, Blog Traffic Exchange, seems to have disappeared.

The plugin still works so we’re providing a download here:

Download WordPress Backup Plugin

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Disable WooCommerce Content on Shop Page

The WooCommerce settings provide an option to disable the shop page, but if you have a page called ‘shop’ then WooCommerce will still load the page using the products archive template:


This template file can be copied to your theme folder and then edited allowing the content to be changed (full details in the The Woo Themes Documentation). The file needs to be created in a folder called ‘woocommerce’ in the active theme:


This technique lets you change the content, but we wanted the page to load as if it was a normal page. To achieve this  the page content is reloaded by calling query_posts and then including the desired theme template for the page (in this case page.php):

 // override archive-product.php

 // load specific page

 // load the page template for the current theme
 include get_template_directory() . "/" . "page.php";

 // stop any other woocommerce code executing

This solution (hack) is not ideal and the problem may well be resolved in a future revision of WooCommerce.

Previously the template page was named archive-template.php and this post has been updated to the newly named archive-product.php – thanks to Nancy for pointing this out.

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Useful WordPress Plugins

Thanks to the large WordPress community there are a lot of WordPress plugins available. The downside though is that you normally have to try out a few different plugins before you find the one that meets your needs.

To save others the same pain I’ve collated the following list of plugins that I use frequently across a number of websites. Read More »

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Backup WordPress Database and Files

A WordPress website consists of two main parts:

  1. Database – stores all of your website content including posts, comments, links and website settings (but not physical files like images uploaded).
  2. Files – where the code is stored to access the database and make everything work. Themes, plugins and user generated files (images uploaded) are all stored together in the wp-content folder.

Backing up just the database will mean you do not have a backup of images and files uploaded which are usually very important to a website.  So for a reliable backup of your WordPress website you need to backup the database and files. Read More »

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Flattering Spam Comments

Spam is always going to be a problem when running a blog and it seems the spammers have taken a friendlier tack of late. We keep getting lots of flattering comments that are unfortunately too good to be true! Read More »

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WordPress Comments Feed for a Custom Post Type

We have already covered how to include custom posts in WordPress feeds. The changes made affect the comments feed and now will list comments for all post types. Read More »

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Using Additional Thumbnail Sizes in WordPress

WordPress already lets you specify different sizes for media files uploaded. The sizes thumbnail, medium and large are included and the image dimensions can be configured under the Tools > Media menu.

However, if you require more image sizes you can register them in functions.php using add_image_size() Read More »

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WordPress Feed for Custom Post Types

If you are using the new custom post types with WordPress you may have noticed that the custom posts do not automatically appear in your feed. Read More »

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